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Network Penetration Testing

Checks for vulnerabilities in the network infrastructure, including the routers, switches, firewalls, and other network equipment. Network penetration testing assists enterprises in fortifying their network defenses, enhancing segmentation, and guarding against unauthorized access and data breaches by detecting flaws in network setup and security procedures. To make sure that network infrastructure is secure and resilient to constantly changing cyber threats, network penetration testing is crucial.

API Penetration Testing

Searches for weaknesses in the functionality and endpoints of application programming interfaces (APIs). API penetration testing assists companies in guaranteeing the safe creation and implementation of APIs, which are becoming more and more popular for data interchange and system integration. Organizations can stop unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security problems caused by API-related vulnerabilities by detecting and fixing them.

Internal Penetration Testing

Assesses security from within the network of the company. It is predicated on the idea that an attacker is already within your network. It detects internal vulnerabilities and lateral movement threats in addition to evaluating the risks presented by insiders or compromised systems. Internal penetration testing assists companies in fortifying their internal defenses, enhancing segmentation and access restrictions, and reducing the risks associated with compromised accounts and insider threats by mimicking assaults that originate from within the network.

External Penetration Testing

Evaluates security from outside the network boundary of the company. Web apps and external network infrastructure are examples of systems and services that are the focus of this kind of testing. External penetration testing assists companies in fortifying their external defenses and safeguarding against cyber attacks emanating from beyond the network perimeter by detecting vulnerabilities that are accessible to external attackers.

Red Team Adversarial Simulations

To assess an organization’s defenses against focused attacks, concentrate on particular adversary strategies and situations. These simulations assist companies in understanding how vulnerable they are to sophisticated and persistent threats by modeling the tactics, methods, and procedures (TTPs) of actual threat actors. Red team adversarial simulations boost readiness by pointing out gaps in reaction and detection capabilities and providing guidance for enhancing security procedures and incident response systems.

Red Teaming Exercise

Involves modeling complex attacks to thoroughly assess the defense capabilities of an organization. In addition to evaluating technological vulnerabilities, this exercise goes above and beyond standard penetration testing by evaluating how well people, procedures, and technology work together to detect and stop attacks. Red teaming exercises offer significant insights into an organization’s security posture and preparedness to counter complex cyber threats by simulating the behaviors of advanced threat actors.


Offers subscription-based continuous penetration testing. PenTesting_as_a_Service provides ongoing monitoring and testing to preserve the organization’s security posture, in contrast to typical penetration testing engagements, which are frequently carried out on a periodic basis. This service assists in ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and preparedness for evolving threats by continuously finding and resolving vulnerabilities.

On-demand Penetration Testing

Provides ad hoc testing according to customer requirements. In order to take advantage of weaknesses in networks, applications, or systems, ethical hackers imitate actual attacks. This kind of testing is usually carried out in a set scope and timeline, enabling firms to evaluate their security defenses and quickly fix any flaws found. For businesses looking to address specific security issues or conduct focused assessments, on-demand penetration testing is very helpful.